
List all customer accounts connected to a specific brand or provide any of the search criteria to narrow your results. The maximum number of returned results is 300.

This service will show all accounts, including deleted accounts. The 'status' field can be either 1 - active, 2 - suspended, or 3 - deleted.

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string optional The 'customer_account_id'. If provided no results will be returned unless the 'customer_account_id' is an exact macth.
email_address string optional The customers email_address or a portion of it.
first_name string optional The customer first name or a portion of it.
last_name string optional The customers last name or a portion of it.
company_name string optional The company name on the account or a portion of it.
custom_field_1 string optional The value of 'custom_field_1' or a portion of it if supplied.
custom_field_2 string optional The value of 'custom_field_2' or a portion of it if supplied.
limit string optional Limit the amount of results returned. Valid options are between 1 and 300. Default is 300.
order string optional Order results by descending 'desc' or ascending 'asc'.
offset string optional Offset the results returned. An 'offset' of 10 would skip the first ten results.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "",'email_address' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'company_name' => "",'custom_field_1' => "",'custom_field_2' => "",'limit' => "",'order' => "",'offset' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Account/List','GET',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Create a new customer account and associate it with a brand. The initial user will be created based on the information and e-mail address provided.

'email_address' is unique per brand, meaning only one account can exist with a specific e-mail address per 'brand_id'. This prevents customers from creating duplicate accounts.
A few account details are automatically generated, they include security_code, a random five digit numeric number that can be used for support contact verification. username is also automicatlly generated as a unique value that you can use to authenticate users instead of using the 'email_address' if you wish. You can find the username in the <?user?> namespace along with the new 'user_id'. A 35 character email_verification_code will be automatically generated. Unless a 'password' is provided the initial password for the initial user will also be randomly generated.

Parameter Type Required Description
company_name string optional The name of the company.
first_name string required The customers first name.
last_name string required The customers last name.
email_address string required The customers email address.
cc_email_address string optional Copies of all email notifications will be sent to this address also.
phone_number_country_code string optional The country code for the customers phone number.
phone_number string optional The customers phone number.
address string optional The customers address.
address_2 string optional The customers address continued.
unit string optional The unit or apartment number associated with the address.
unit_type string optional Required if providing a 'unit'. Examples include APT; SUITE; BLDG.
city string optional The city associated with the customers address. Required if you provide a non US address.
state string optional The state associated with the customers address. Required if you provide a non US address
zip_code string optional The zip code associated with the customers address.
country string required The country associated with the customers address.
locale string required The language for the customer account.
timezone_id string required The timezone for the customer account. Utilize the 'Reference/List' service to find acceptable values.
tax_id string optional The tax ID for the customers account.
tax_exempt string optional Y or N if the customer is tax exampt.
tax_exempt_reason string optional A description of the reason why the customer is tax exempt.
custom_field_1 string optional A custom field for your records.
custom_field_2 string optional A custom field for your records.
password string optional The initial users new password; leave blank to generate a random password.
skip_notification string optional Y or N if you would like to send the 'Account/Create' notification. If left blank your 'default_notify_customer' and 'default_notify_brand' settings will be respected.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('company_name' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'email_address' => "",'cc_email_address' => "",'phone_number_country_code' => "",'phone_number' => "",'address' => "",'address_2' => "",'unit' => "",'unit_type' => "",'city' => "",'state' => "",'zip_code' => "",'country' => "",'locale' => "",'timezone_id' => "",'tax_id' => "",'tax_exempt' => "",'tax_exempt_reason' => "",'custom_field_1' => "",'custom_field_2' => "",'password' => "",'skip_notification' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Account/Create','POST',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Update information on an existing customers account.

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string required The 'customer_account_id' of the account you want to update.
company_name string optional The name of the company.
first_name string optional The customers first name.
last_name string optional The customers last name.
email_address string optional The customers email address.
cc_email_address string optional Copies of all email notifications will be sent to this address also.
phone_number_country_code string optional The country code for the customers phone number.
phone_number string optional The customers phone number.
address string optional The customers address.
address_2 string optional The customers address continued.
unit string optional The unit or apartment number associated with the address.
unit_type string optional Required if providing a 'unit'. Examples include APT; SUITE; BLDG.
city string optional The city associated with the customers address.
state string optional The state associated with the customers address.
zip_code string optional The zip code associated with the customers address.
country string optional The country associated with the customers address.
locale string optional The language for the customer account.
timezone_id string optional The timezone for the customer account offset from UTC.
tax_id string optional The tax ID for the customers account.
tax_exempt string optional Y or N if the customer is tax exampt.
tax_exempt_reason string optional A description of the reason why the customer is tax exempt.
custom_field_1 string optional A custom field for your records.
custom_field_2 string optional A custom field for your records.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "",'company_name' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'email_address' => "",'cc_email_address' => "",'phone_number_country_code' => "",'phone_number' => "",'address' => "",'address_2' => "",'unit' => "",'unit_type' => "",'city' => "",'state' => "",'zip_code' => "",'country' => "",'locale' => "",'timezone_id' => "",'tax_id' => "",'tax_exempt' => "",'tax_exempt_reason' => "",'custom_field_1' => "",'custom_field_2' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Account/Update','PATCH',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Suspend a customers account.

All users connected to the account will be suspended as well.

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string required The 'customer_account_id' of the account you want to suspend.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Account/Suspend','PATCH',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Delete a customers account.

All users connected to the account will be deleted as well.

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string required The 'customer_account_id' of the account you want to delete.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Account/Delete','DELETE',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Restore a customer account from suspended or deleted.

All users connected to the account will be restored as well.
Deleted accounts can be restored up to 90 days after being deleted, after which the deletion becomes permanent.

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string required The 'customer_account_id' of the account you want to restore.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Account/Restore','PATCH',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Your content here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui, natus temporibus voluptate corporis possimus ab aut cumque.


Quick Tips

You may remove all ID or Class names which contain _dm-, they are only used for demonstration.

Boxed Layout

Fluid Layout Remove the .boxed-layout and .centered-layout classes from the body.
Centered Layout Add a class .centered-layout to the body.
Boxed Layout Add a class .boxed-layout to the body.
Boxed Layout with background image

Add background image to the body.

<body class="boxed-layout" style='background-image: url("path_to_img/image.jpg");'>

Or it could be in your own class.

.bg-img {
background-image: url("path_to_img/image.jpg");
<body class="boxed-layout bg-img">

Color Schemes

Replace the current Bootstrap CSS and Nifty CSS path with the new path of the CSS color schemes you wish to use.

This is where you can change the color scheme of your app / website.

    <title>My Project</title>

    <!-- STYLESHEETS -->
    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- -->

    <!-- Bootstrap CSS [ REQUIRED ] -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="documentation/assets/css/color-schemes/SELECTED-SCEHEMS/bootstrap.min.css">

    <!-- Nifty CSS [ REQUIRED ] -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="documentation/assets/css/color-schemes/SELECTED-SCEHEMS/nifty.min.css">



Sticky header Add a class .hd--sticky to the #root.
Expanded header Add a class .hd--expanded to the #root.
Expanded header with overlapping content. Add a class .overlapping to the #content > .content__header.
Disable rounded header. Add a class .rounded-0 to the #content > .content__header.


Add the following class to the body to change the animation transition.

Transition function name Class name
In Quart .in-quart
Out Quart .out-quart
In Back .in-back
Out Back .out-back
In Out Back .in-out-back
easeInOutBack .easeInOutBack
steps .steps
jumping .jumping
rubber .rubber
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Background Images

Add an image to replace the solid background color
Additional Offcanvas New in BS v.5.0

Select the offcanvas placement.

Right sidebar
Color Schemes
Light Completely bright color themes.
Dark Completely dark color themes.
Expanded Header
Fair Header
Full Header
Primary Nav
Tall Header New in v3.0

Hides native scrollbars and creates custom styleable overlay scrollbars.

Offcanvas Header
Content Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente eos nihil earum aliquam quod in dolor, aspernatur obcaecati et at. Dicta, ipsum aut, fugit nam dolore porro non est totam sapiente animi recusandae obcaecati dolorum, rem ullam cumque. Illum quidem reiciendis autem neque excepturi odit est accusantium, facilis provident molestias, dicta obcaecati itaque ducimus fuga iure in distinctio voluptate nesciunt dignissimos rem error a. Expedita officiis nam dolore dolores ea. Soluta repellendus delectus culpa quo. Ea tenetur impedit error quod exercitationem ut ad provident quisquam omnis! Nostrum quasi ex delectus vero, facilis aut recusandae deleniti beatae. Qui velit commodi inventore.